+44 792 229 5140

Please be aware that:

a. This website is for information purposes only and not meant to take the place of doctors or other clinicians or provide diagnosis or treatment advice

b. We strive to provide correct information but do not accept any liability on accuracy of information provided on this site

c. This website is not for you if you think that you require physical examination

d. This website is not for you if you have self-harm thoughts, suicidal ideations or feel at risk from others or have thoughts to harm others.

e. Indexed websites are the responsibility of the website providers.

If you are experiencing any of the following, it is an emergency call 999 now!

  • Signs of a heart attack - pain like a very tight band, heavy weight or squeezing in the centre of your chest, severe difficulty breathing - gasping, not being able to get words out;
  • Choking or lips turning blue;
  • Heavy bleeding - that won't stop;
  • Severe injuries - or deep cuts after a serious accident;
  • Seizure (fit) - someone is shaking or jerking because of a fit, or is unconscious (can't be woken up);
  • Signs of a possible stroke e.g. drooping of the face on one side, slurring of speech or inability to speak, inability to raise the arms due to weakness especially on one side of the body.

Also, if you or anyone has expressed concern for your safety e.g. if you are at risk of harm to yourself or to others or from others or you have severe mental health experiences that are overwhelming for you then please seek the attention of a health professional or go to A&E.